Team Final Project
Due: April 21, 2019 by 11:59PM UTC-12
Submit your Final Project as a PDF file (“Final Project – <Team Name>.pdf” format) via Canvas. Do not include the brackets.
NOTE: The requirements of this deliverable are subject to change (mostly during Week 13), at any time, up until Week 15.
Your final deliverable is comprised of two pieces: 1) the final video presentation (Deliverable 4) and the final project itself. This page lays out the requirements for the Final Project (Deliverable 5).
For this deliverable, you will be submitting your completed project and all of its components. Teams must also make the final application available such that it can be utilized by graders via your Team’s assigned GitHub account. It is the team’s responsibility to work with the TA Mentor in ensuring your solution is available. If you are working with an Organizational Mentor, you will also have to consult with them to ensure you have everything prepared to send to them.
The contents of the repo will vary based on the nature of your project. You are to submit ALL code and any design documents, documentation, or anything else proposed in your project proposal. You should also submit any data itself that was gathered, as well as the results of any analysis and any research design documentation you assembled to prepare for the work.
Basic Project Requirements Overview:
- Research – Did the team thoroughly investigate the problem and interview prospective end users to understand their requirements? Did the team identify industry problems or gaps in current solutions?
- Functionality – How well did the final app work and did it fulfill the design proposed by the team? Does it fully meet user requirements?
- Usability – Could a user easily understand the app? Was good documentation/help/tutorial provided?
- Design – Was the user interface attractive, “user friendly,” easy to use and appealing?
- Innovation – Did the team develop and implement new ideas that aren’t already in common use? Did they bring ideas from other domains into the one they explored?
- Final Report – Is the final video interesting, creative and did it clearly explain what the team determined to be the problem, their solution and how they implemented it? Part 1: Video Presentation. You will submit your Final Presentation PDF (from Deliverable 4) with this Final Project Submission. See instructions for Deliverable 4 on the course website. In GitHub, you are to create a directory called “Final Delivery.” You are to add your Final Presentation PDF in this directory. If your presentation is not found in this directory, it will result in a significant loss in points.
Part 2 – Project Submission: You will submit all components of your project to both GitHub and Canvas. You will add your entire project to GitHub and then submit your commit ID in a PDF to Canvas.
- You must have a catalog.pdf file that yields “Table of Contents” type details on the contents of your project. It shall be called “catalog.pdf.” This file is to be placed in “Final Delivery” directory. Each element of your project, including its location, must be spelled out clearly in this document. Additionally, your Team Name, Team Members, Project Name and GitHub link should be included in this file.
- Provide instructions [“navigate to this URL… type in this… click on that…etc.”] for us (Instructors/OMs) to follow in order to run your application, please identify these details in a file called “Special Instructions – <Team Name>.pdf” This file is to be placed in “Final Delivery” directory. This file is not optional. We expect to launch your application via a docker-compose.yml file to be found at the root of the repository. If your software development process/tool caused the docker-compose file to be in a different folder and/or you have special build/launch instructions, also include these details in the “Special Instructions” PDF.
- Your final Gantt Chart should be completely updated and clearly notated. You must include the specific names of each presenter(s) for each of the presentations. We will use this to cross check our records for your presenters, for each team member is required to present at least once this semester. It shall be called “Final Gantt Chart – <Team Name>.pdf.” This file is to be placed in “Final Delivery” directory.
- Every application MUST include an “as detailed as necessary” manual. All of the documentation that you submit with your final project should be treated as an official document – this includes the manual. Therefore, any manual that is not carefully structured or clearly written will result in significant point loss. Additionally, your Team Name, Team Members, Project Name and GitHub link should be included in this file. It shall be called “Manual – <Team Name>.pdf.”
- Please provide all documentation (and links, etc.) related to your research in a directory called “Research.” This folder should be located within the “Final Deliverable” directory. Please make the file names clear and intuitive. (ex. 21391ujafesoaeiu9032-few.pdf file would be renamed to something like “Defining Statistical Significance.pdf”)
- Any other files, of your choosing, can be add within your “Final Delivery” directory.
- You can get your commit ID by running “git log -1” and copying the hexadecimal ID it produces. Paste this commit ID in a document and submit it as a PDF called “Final Project – <Team Name>.pdf” in Canvas. If you are unsure what to do, please post to Piazza. We encourage you to test this out well in advance, for there are unlimited number of submission (up until the due date) for this assignment.
Final Project Submission Details:
Have ONE person (the PM) from each group submit the PDF file via the Assignments tab Canvas. Include the final commit ID hexadecimal and state the team name and team members in the text of the submission.
Submit your Final Project as a PDF file (“Final Project – <Team Name>.pdf” format) via Canvas. Do not include the brackets.
Your private GT GitHub repository should contain all of your source code and everything necessary to build and execute your project. In addition to whatever you already have in the repository, we require the deliverables as defined above and with the following structure:
Final Delivery – (Directory)
|– catalog.pdf
|– docker-compose.yml
|– Final Gantt Chart – <Team Name>.pdf
|– Manual – <Team Name>.pdf
|– Special Instructions – <Team Name>.pdf
|– Research – (Directory)
Final Delivery – (Directory)
|– catalog.pdf
|– Final Gantt Chart – <Team Name>.pdf
|– Manual – <Team Name>.pdf
|– Special Instructions – <Team Name>.pdf
|– Research – (Directory)
There are a few exceptions to this structure: If you are on a CDC Team and are one of those teams that have been notified by their mentor that they do not need to use Docker. Please consult with your TA Mentor if you are unsure if you fit in this exception category. Otherwise, you will use the structure above.
Note: Your Documentation, which includes the following: Catalog, Manual and Special Instructions, must be created using AsciiDoc or some markup or markdown language. You will be required to convert that code to a PDF. All of your AsciiDoc, Markup/Markdown code must be submitted with final github commit. You can put these files anywhere within the “Final Delivery” Directory. All other documents such as your Gantt chart or research documents do not need to be in any formatting language prior to being added as a PDF. We do require you convert all files to PDF form (with the exception of the docker yml file).
Due: April 21, 2019 by 11:59PM UTC-12.