This is a general page about the required Case Studies as part of the CS6440 course. Note that this page is subject to change at any time.
The assessments are intended to provide depth to the course material in the aspect of real world application. Students will have six case studies during the semester and they will be hosted in the Quiz section on Canvas. Case Studies are comprised of a set of questions based on a case study. Campus students are required to attend live lectures on campus and in person, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Online students, are not required, but are able to join these live lectures via YouTube Live. A link to the YouTube live sessions will be provided in the case study instructions. Additionally, the slide deck corresponding to the lecture will be added to the case study instructions.
Students must respond to the discussion questions related to the cases via Canvas – this will be submitted for a grade. Discussion threads will be posted to Piazza to allow students to further discuss the cases with course mates.
You may take the assessment anytime during the week it is due, but once started you will have up to 2 attempts and will receive the higher score of the two. Note that there may be opportunities for “stretch assignments” to help supplement missed points.